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Monday, September 15, 2014

Rodents, Roaches and Stink Bugs Coming Soon to a Home Near You

Hughes Exterminators Shares the Top Pests Wreaking Havoc This Fall

With the promise of cooler weather on the horizon, many homeowners think their battle with pests is almost over, but for some pests the invasion is just beginning.  Just as we seek shelter from the cold, pests are also looking for food, water and shelter indoors.  Homeowners need to be on the lookout as these pests can transmit diseases, trigger asthma attacks in children and cause significant damage to the home.

Hughes Exterminators has compiled a list of the top five pests expected to cause problems for homeowners this fall along with tips for pest-proofing your home to keep them outside where they belong:

    1. Rodents: Some of the most common fall intruders are mice, rats and squirrels looking for warmth and food to survive the winter.  These pests can spread diseases, build nests in insulation and chew through wiring causing fires and they can fit through spaces as small as a nickel, making cracks or tiny holes in the foundation easy entryways.  And, they rarely travel alone, often bringing fleas, mites, ticks and lice along with them creating even more issues. 


    1. Stink Bugs and Kudzu Bugs:  From the same family of insects, brown marmorated stink bugs and kudzu bugs will definitely be out in force this fall.  While they don’t transmit diseases, bite, or sting, these “stinky” pests emit a strong odor when frightened or squashed and can damage clothing, furniture and other fabrics with their droppings. 


    1. Ants: Many types of ants can be found in and around the home during the fall months and some can cause real harm.  Odorous house ants can contaminate food and carpenter ants can damage the structure of a home.


    1. Cockroaches: “Cockroaches are definitely one of the most dangerous pests on our list,” said Hughes Exterminators Pest Expert Charlie Jones. “They have the potential to spread 33 different kinds of bacteria and they can trigger asthma attacks in children.”


To prevent these fall intruders and other unwanted guests from entering the home, Hughes Exterminators has put together a list of fall pest-proofing tips for homeowners:

1.  Always store food in sealed, airtight containers

2.  Seal all cracks in and around the foundation of the home 

3.  Make sure that all screens on doors and windows are in good repair

4.  Keep kitchens and bathrooms sanitized and vacuum frequently

5.  Eliminate sources of standing water and keep tree branches and shrubs trimmed back and away from the home

6.  Store firewood away from the home on an elevated surface and don’t keep unused firewood in the home overnight

Hughes protects homes from pest infestations with the STEPS® Total Protection System™, an industry-leading process that utilizes Integrated Pest Management. STEPS includes a full inspection of the home and property to pinpoint pest control issues; identification of not only the pest, but the true cause of the problem; and treatment in the most environmentally responsible way to alleviate current issues and to help prevent future recurrences.

Consumers interested in protecting their homes from pests may obtain additional information at Additionally, consumers can contact Hughes for a free whole home evaluation at 877-464-8443.